Czechia Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Czechia

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Air Mileage Chart of Czechia

Distance (miles)
České Budějovice
Brünn 150 40 129 98 78 153 70 48 87 182 48 116 84 130
Pilsen 150 173 103 73 114 70 109 196 219 40 102 52 219 42
Olmütz 40 173 127 132 76 160 73 32 49 200 76 130 47 145
Reichenberg 129 103 127 127 52 45 60 157 157 103 98 55 160 60
České Budějovice 98 73 132 127 105 119 94 145 181 112 58 77 180 83
Königgrätz 78 114 76 52 105 85 12 106 112 131 57 63 114 76
Aussig 153 70 160 45 119 85 88 190 196 60 112 43 199 36
Pardubitz 70 109 73 60 94 12 88 102 112 129 45 60 114 75
Zlin 48 196 32 157 145 106 190 102 50 225 94 157 45 171
Ostrau 87 219 49 157 181 112 196 112 50 242 124 173 7 187
Carlsbad 182 40 200 103 112 131 60 129 225 242 134 70 243 55
Iglau 48 102 76 98 58 57 112 45 94 124 134 71 123 85
Prague 116 52 130 55 77 63 43 60 157 173 70 71 174 15
Paskau 84 219 47 160 180 114 199 114 45 7 243 123 174 188
Kladno 130 42 145 60 83 76 36 75 171 187 55 85 15 188

Map of Czechia with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Czechia