Baden-Württemberg Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Baden-Württemberg

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Air Mileage Chart of Baden-Württemberg

Distance (miles)
Freiburg im Breisgau
Old Town
Esslingen am Neckar
Stuttgart 59 39 49 25 45 23 20 81 81 6 8 19 58 77
Mannheim 59 33 12 42 103 43 77 107 107 64 52 72 99 130
Karlsruhe 39 33 30 38 84 16 52 75 75 45 37 45 66 100
Heidelberg 49 12 30 30 91 36 68 105 105 54 42 63 93 123
Heilbronn 25 42 38 30 62 29 45 101 101 28 17 43 81 103
Ulm 45 103 84 91 62 68 37 103 103 39 50 44 73 63
Pforzheim 23 43 16 36 29 68 36 73 73 29 22 30 58 88
Reutlingen 20 77 52 68 45 37 36 71 71 18 28 7 44 58
Freiburg im Breisgau 81 107 75 105 101 103 73 71 0 85 88 66 30 66
Old Town 81 107 75 105 101 103 73 71 0 85 88 66 30 66
Esslingen am Neckar 6 64 45 54 28 39 29 18 85 85 12 19 60 75
Ludwigsburg 8 52 37 42 17 50 22 28 88 88 12 27 66 86
Tubinga 19 72 45 63 43 44 30 7 66 66 19 27 41 60
Villingen-Schwenningen 58 99 66 93 81 73 58 44 30 30 60 66 41 42
Constance 77 130 100 123 103 63 88 58 66 66 75 86 60 42

Map of Baden-Württemberg with Flight Distances

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