Bavaria Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Bavaria

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Air Mileage Chart of Bavaria

Distance (miles)
Kempten (Allgäu)
Munich 35 65 43 96 104 94 137 137 3 125 126 168 65 39
Augsburg 35 71 37 77 85 76 107 108 37 113 106 136 52 58
Ratisbona 65 71 35 59 63 55 111 111 63 68 81 148 121 34
Ingolstadt 43 37 35 53 61 50 98 98 43 82 82 132 88 37
Fürth 96 77 59 53 8 4 52 52 96 42 29 89 125 84
Erlangen 104 85 63 61 8 11 50 49 104 35 21 87 133 90
Nuremberg 94 76 55 50 4 11 57 56 93 40 32 93 124 80
Wurzburgo 137 107 111 98 52 50 57 1 137 74 43 37 144 132
Grombühl 137 108 111 98 52 49 56 1 137 73 42 37 144 132
Bogenhausen 3 37 63 43 96 104 93 137 137 124 125 168 68 35
Bayreuth 125 113 68 82 42 35 40 74 73 124 31 108 163 101
Bamberg 126 106 81 82 29 21 32 43 42 125 31 78 152 110
Aschaffenburg 168 136 148 132 89 87 93 37 37 168 108 78 164 168
Kempten (Allgäu) 65 52 121 88 125 133 124 144 144 68 163 152 164 101
Landshut 39 58 34 37 84 90 80 132 132 35 101 110 168 101

Map of Bavaria with Flight Distances

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