Lower Saxony Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Lower Saxony

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Air Mileage Chart of Lower Saxony

Distance (miles)
Bremen 91 64 34 80 91 117 62 94 25 94 43 7 67 62
Brunswick 91 105 120 25 11 57 34 16 114 16 134 96 68 31
Osnabrück 64 105 91 81 98 95 71 116 61 116 87 59 120 89
Bremerhaven 34 120 91 112 122 150 94 121 32 120 20 35 78 89
Hildesheim 80 25 81 112 17 43 18 40 100 40 122 83 78 33
Salzgitter 91 11 98 122 17 47 30 26 113 26 134 96 76 35
Gotinga 117 57 95 150 43 47 59 71 133 71 158 119 121 76
Hanover 62 34 71 94 18 30 59 44 83 44 105 66 66 22
Wolfsburgo 94 16 116 121 40 26 71 44 119 1 135 100 60 33
Oldemburgo 25 114 61 32 100 113 133 83 119 118 27 18 91 86
Stadtmitte 94 16 116 120 40 26 71 44 1 118 135 100 59 32
Wilhelmshaven 43 134 87 20 122 134 158 105 135 27 135 40 97 103
Delmenhorst 7 96 59 35 83 96 119 66 100 18 100 40 75 67
Lüneburg 67 68 120 78 78 76 121 66 60 91 59 97 75 45
Celle 62 31 89 89 33 35 76 22 33 86 32 103 67 45

Map of Lower Saxony with Flight Distances

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