Amazonas Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Amazonas

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Tap on a city to see distances to that city. Tap on a distance for more details.

Air Mileage Chart of Amazonas

Distance (miles)
La Peca
Bagua Grande
Rodríguez de Mendoza
Pedro Ruiz
Villa Gonzalo
Santa Rosa
Boca Chinganaza
Chachapoyas 58 51 9 65 61 29 34 21 21 178 39 158 32 160
La Peca 58 10 57 7 7 85 88 39 39 142 95 124 89 126
Bagua Grande 51 10 50 17 10 80 79 34 34 151 89 134 83 135
Colcamar 9 57 50 65 60 34 30 25 25 183 43 163 37 165
Espital 65 7 17 65 9 93 95 47 47 137 103 121 96 122
Bagua 61 7 10 60 9 89 89 43 43 145 99 129 93 130
Rodríguez de Mendoza 29 85 80 34 93 89 31 46 46 191 10 170 4 172
Leimebamba 34 88 79 30 95 89 31 54 54 211 34 191 30 193
Ingenio 21 39 34 25 47 43 46 54 0 159 56 139 50 140
Pedro Ruiz 21 39 34 25 47 43 46 54 0 159 56 139 50 140
Varadero 178 142 151 183 137 145 191 211 159 159 198 21 196 20
Tocuya 39 95 89 43 103 99 10 34 56 56 198 177 6 179
Villa Gonzalo 158 124 134 163 121 129 170 191 139 139 21 177 175 2
Santa Rosa 32 89 83 37 96 93 4 30 50 50 196 6 175 176
Boca Chinganaza 160 126 135 165 122 130 172 193 140 140 20 179 2 176

Map of Amazonas with Flight Distances

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