Oklahoma Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Oklahoma

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Air Mileage Chart of Oklahoma

Distance (miles)
Oklahoma City
Broken Arrow
Midwest City
Oklahoma City 98 18 105 78 13 67 52 123 9 7 122 108 35 14
Tulsa 98 104 13 172 89 106 60 41 101 93 45 11 78 109
Norman 18 104 109 68 30 85 65 134 9 16 122 114 30 27
Broken Arrow 105 13 109 177 98 119 71 49 107 99 32 15 81 117
Lawton 78 172 68 177 89 127 129 201 72 81 188 183 97 71
Edmond 13 89 30 98 89 56 39 112 22 15 118 99 38 20
Enid 67 106 85 119 127 56 50 108 76 71 147 113 91 62
Stillwater 52 60 65 71 129 39 50 75 59 50 98 68 55 58
Bartlesville 123 41 134 49 201 112 108 75 129 120 77 34 112 132
Moore 9 101 9 107 72 22 76 59 129 9 122 112 32 19
Midwest City 7 93 16 99 81 15 71 50 120 9 116 103 28 21
Muskogee 122 45 122 32 188 118 147 98 77 122 116 45 92 135
Owasso 108 11 114 15 183 99 113 68 34 112 103 45 88 119
Shawnee 35 78 30 81 97 38 91 55 112 32 28 92 88 48
Yukon 14 109 27 117 71 20 62 58 132 19 21 135 119 48

Map of Oklahoma with Flight Distances

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