Sweden Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Sweden

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Air Mileage Chart of Sweden

Distance (miles)
Stockholm 319 40 57 101 108 301 176 84 319 99 216 18 55 265
Malmö 319 340 306 267 217 32 157 239 621 382 146 302 291 74
Uppsala 40 340 42 94 123 319 190 101 287 59 224 46 52 280
Västerås 57 306 42 52 89 284 153 71 316 76 184 48 17 244
Örebro 101 267 94 52 62 242 110 58 355 117 135 86 46 199
Linköping 108 217 123 89 62 196 69 24 405 165 109 90 73 158
Helsingborg 301 32 319 284 242 196 132 219 597 358 116 284 269 44
Jönköping 176 157 190 153 110 69 132 93 465 226 45 159 139 91
Norrköping 84 239 101 71 58 24 219 93 386 148 133 66 55 181
Umeå 319 621 287 316 355 405 597 465 386 240 488 331 332 555
Gävle 99 382 59 76 117 165 358 226 148 240 252 104 93 316
Borås 216 146 224 184 135 109 116 45 133 488 252 198 172 73
Södertälje 18 302 46 48 86 90 284 159 66 331 104 198 42 247
Eskilstuna 55 291 52 17 46 73 269 139 55 332 93 172 42 229
Halmstad 265 74 280 244 199 158 44 91 181 555 316 73 247 229

Map of Sweden with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Sweden
