Switzerland Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Switzerland

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Air Mileage Chart of Switzerland

Distance (miles)
Sankt Gallen
Geneva 116 32 81 152 139 1 79 83 118 175 135 84 83 80
Basel 116 85 43 53 47 117 44 34 48 84 126 32 33 55
Lausana 32 85 48 120 107 34 47 52 87 144 116 52 52 50
Berna 81 43 48 71 59 82 2 16 41 96 97 16 17 16
Winterthur 152 53 120 71 12 153 73 73 37 30 104 73 74 73
Zurich 139 47 107 59 12 140 61 63 25 39 96 62 63 60
Petit-Lancy 1 117 34 82 153 140 80 85 119 176 136 85 85 82
Liebefeld 79 44 47 2 73 61 80 16 42 98 97 17 17 16
Madretsch 83 34 52 16 73 63 85 16 50 101 112 1 1 31
Lucerne 118 48 87 41 37 25 119 42 50 57 78 50 50 38
Sankt Gallen 175 84 144 96 30 39 176 98 101 57 100 101 102 94
Lugano 135 126 116 97 104 96 136 97 112 78 100 112 113 82
Champagne 84 32 52 16 73 62 85 17 1 50 101 112 1 32
Jutzhubel 83 33 52 17 74 63 85 17 1 50 102 113 1 32
Thoune 80 55 50 16 73 60 82 16 31 38 94 82 32 32

Map of Switzerland with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Switzerland