Chile Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Chile

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Air Mileage Chart of Chile

Distance (miles)
Puente Alto
Viña del Mar
San Bernardo
Puerto Montt
Santiago 12 677 60 62 266 11 382 915 271 51 149 1,034 244 569
Puente Alto 12 688 70 72 258 7 372 926 263 40 140 1,046 257 559
Antofagasta 677 688 652 654 918 688 1,051 238 925 728 818 357 440 1,241
Viña del Mar 60 70 652 4 270 63 399 890 276 92 166 1,008 213 589
Valparaíso 62 72 654 4 267 65 397 892 273 93 165 1,010 214 587
Talcahuano 266 258 918 270 267 255 143 1,155 9 221 121 1,272 478 329
San Bernardo 11 7 688 63 65 255 371 925 260 40 138 1,045 254 558
Temuco 382 372 1,051 399 397 143 371 1,288 134 332 234 1,407 611 190
Iquique 915 926 238 890 892 1,155 925 1,288 1,161 965 1,055 121 677 1,478
Concepción 271 263 925 276 273 9 260 134 1,161 225 124 1,279 485 321
Rancagua 51 40 728 92 93 221 40 332 965 225 101 1,085 293 519
Talca 149 140 818 166 165 121 138 234 1,055 124 101 1,174 379 424
Arica 1,034 1,046 357 1,008 1,010 1,272 1,045 1,407 121 1,279 1,085 1,174 795 1,597
Coquimbo 244 257 440 213 214 478 254 611 677 485 293 379 795 801
Puerto Montt 569 559 1,241 589 587 329 558 190 1,478 321 519 424 1,597 801

Map of Chile with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Chile