United States Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of United States

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Air Mileage Chart of United States

Distance (miles)
San Antonio
San Diego
San José
Fort Worth
El Paso
Houston 190 1,302 225 1,609 147 821 992 237 866 926 1,890 879 674 1,604
San Antonio 190 1,127 252 1,452 74 1,010 1,140 240 1,000 1,104 1,786 802 502 1,765
San Diego 1,302 1,127 1,182 416 1,155 2,088 1,954 1,151 1,786 2,077 1,064 833 628 2,579
Dallas 225 252 1,182 1,450 182 907 913 31 764 928 1,680 662 570 1,550
San José 1,609 1,452 416 1,450 1,465 2,342 2,090 1,421 1,926 2,274 710 928 956 2,679
Austin 147 74 1,155 182 1,465 959 1,067 173 926 1,039 1,770 772 528 1,694
Jacksonville 821 1,010 2,088 907 2,342 959 670 938 700 342 2,452 1,466 1,471 1,017
Columbus 992 1,140 1,954 913 2,090 1,067 670 939 168 348 2,009 1,164 1,427 642
Fort Worth 237 240 1,151 31 1,421 173 938 939 788 959 1,659 644 539 1,576
Indianapolis 866 1,000 1,786 764 1,926 926 700 168 788 428 1,868 999 1,263 806
Charlotte 926 1,104 2,077 928 2,274 1,039 342 348 959 428 2,282 1,356 1,493 721
Seattle 1,890 1,786 1,064 1,680 710 1,770 2,452 2,009 1,659 1,868 2,282 1,020 1,376 2,486
Denver 879 802 833 662 928 772 1,466 1,164 644 999 1,356 1,020 558 1,766
El Paso 674 502 628 570 956 528 1,471 1,427 539 1,263 1,493 1,376 558 2,069
Boston 1,604 1,765 2,579 1,550 2,679 1,694 1,017 642 1,576 806 721 2,486 1,766 2,069

Map of United States with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the United States
