Kansas Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Kansas

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Air Mileage Chart of Kansas

Distance (miles)
Overland Park
Kansas City
Dodge City
Wichita 170 160 130 144 41 171 176 170 111 166 81 172 171 147
Overland Park 170 11 54 30 188 10 47 5 103 4 158 27 3 302
Olathe 160 11 48 24 178 16 50 12 96 6 150 30 12 293
Topeka 130 54 48 24 140 50 47 52 49 51 105 44 57 252
Lawrence 144 30 24 24 158 28 42 28 73 27 128 29 34 272
Hutchinson 41 188 178 140 158 186 183 186 107 183 57 184 190 116
Kansas City 171 10 16 50 28 186 37 6 98 11 155 16 12 300
Atchison 176 47 50 47 42 183 37 42 82 47 142 21 49 292
Shawnee 170 5 12 52 28 186 6 42 100 6 156 22 7 300
Manhattan 111 103 96 49 73 107 98 82 100 100 61 89 106 211
Lenexa 166 4 6 51 27 183 11 47 6 100 155 27 6 298
Salina 81 158 150 105 128 57 155 142 156 61 155 148 162 150
Leavenworth 172 27 30 44 29 184 16 21 22 89 27 148 29 296
Leawood 171 3 12 57 34 190 12 49 7 106 6 162 29 304
Dodge City 147 302 293 252 272 116 300 292 300 211 298 150 296 304

Map of Kansas with Flight Distances

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