Map of Centro de Salud N° 4 - Villa Elisa

Here is the location map of Centro de Salud N° 4 - Villa Elisa.

Where is located Centro de Salud N° 4 - Villa Elisa?

Hospital is located in Villa Elisa, Partido de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Centro de Salud N° 4 - Villa Elisa is located 5 mi from Centro de Investigaciones Científicas - Campus Tecnológico and 6 mi from Camping Bahia. The nearest lake El Fiestero Ganso .R is 13 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Honda is 30 mi away. The nearest museum Museo del Muñeco is 4 mi away. The nearest park Parque Ecológico is 1 mi away. The nearest castle Palacio Kavanagh is 35 mi away. The nearest city Artigas is 322 mi away.

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